Rusty Fredrich

Weekday Morning Sports Report

Rusty Fredich

Favorite Artist:  Counting Crows, Lucero, John Hiatt, Rolling Stones

Best Concerts Ever Attended: Georgia Satellites at the Cotton Club in Atlanta in ’87 or ’88. They played until the club owner pulled the plug around 3am.

Favorite Food: A medium-rare rib-eye steak

Favorite Drink:  Ice cold Budweiser

Favorite Movie:  Un-cut version of Smokey and the Bandit

Favorite Shows:  Andy-Griffith re-runs, black and white only!

Last Book Read:  501 Golf Jokes for Almost All Occasions

Pets: A beagle (Ringo) and 3 cats named after Ga Tech athletes

If Rusty Could Meet One Person, Dead or Alive: Howard Cosell